What is Basketball?

I believe in
...listening to my teammates.
...doing whatever my team needs.
...proving those who doubt my team wrong.
...playing with passion and fire...that's what inspires my team.
...making a statement that my team need me most.

Hall of Fame

Monday, February 3, 2014

Perhaps you have seen a lot of CCA camps, such as those of the NCC, NPCC, NCDCC, GB, BB and so on. But have you ever see our Basketball CCA Camp? You may also want to ask questions such as why does the Basketball CCA need to organize a CCA Camp? What is the purpose of it? What does it look like? Do they also need to make tents and do some marching practice? 

At the end of last year, our Basketball CCA organized a Basketball CCA Camp. It was planned and organized by our Sec 3 players. The themes of the camp were: leadership quality training, holistic development and team spirit. Of course, our camp was guided and supervised by our in-charge-teachers, Ms Sek, Mrs Ng and Dr He joined us. As our in-charge-officer, Ms Sek set of time to help us to plan and design every details of the camp events; Mrs Ng, who liked our mother, took care of our food (though not so expensive, but really very nice and delicious); Dr He was in charge of our recreation and sleep (we guessed that our noise made him very headache during that night).

Our camp events were really colorful and fruitful and we had a lot fun from it. We had group discussion (how to make contributions to our school), quiz test,treasure hunting, bowling games, "Red and Blue Fight", movies and so on. 

The two days' camp has really left us a memorable impression and we shall never forget about it. The Lower Sec students even secretly start to plan the next camp (because next time they will be in charge of it). In what follows, we share some of our photos of our camp with you. If you think these photos were not well taken, Dr He should be blamed because they were all taken by him.  

Sec 1 boys were playing basketball games!
 We were ready to play bowling games.
 "Am I COOL?"
 "Which team has taken the lead now?"
Our captain Amus shouted at us! 
 "I think I know where the treasure it is!"
 Continue to search
 "Am I funny?"
 Let's have a meeting
 "Do you think where they could hide the 宝贝?"
 Ms Sek announced the start of "Red and Blue Fight"
 "You'd better do like this..."
 The "Red Army" 
We were really hungry now!
Jun Chen was briefing us group division
Ms Sek was talking to the group leaders

Get ready for lunch
It was very hard to find the treasure

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How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

1) Sign in

2) Go to “Tools and Resources”, to “Picasa Web Albums”

3) Click “Upload”

4) Name the Album

5) Select Photos from Computer

6) Click “Link to this album”

7) Click “Embed Slideshows”

8) Click “Extra Large 600”

9) Copy the HTML

10) Click “Done”

11) Go to CCA blog

12) Post “New Post”

13) Paste HTML onto new post

14) Change “width” from 600 to 500

15) Publish Post